You must have heard so many stories of heroic therapy dogs. But you have never heard a story about a dog like this one before. Today we are going to tell you a story about a hero therapy Rottweiler.
Loki, the therapy dog is a wonderful dog that is popular all over the world. The owner of the two-year-old Rottweiler, also known as Doctor Loki, is a second-year medical student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. She is Caroline Benzel. She had a wonderful bond with the Rottweiler. She adopted the dog and entered to the collag at the same time.
Meanwhile, Caroline’s grandfather had to seek treatment for number of health problems and she understood she needed a therapy dog. She lived with her grandfather in his hopital room for a month. When grandfather saw these Rottweiler, he was very happy. Then his heart was truly enlightened. She visited the hopital three days a week with Loki. So Loki and Caroline were very friendly with the staff and everyone including the nurses.
As a result, Loki, a therapy dog, started helping the nurses and staff there. So, Benzel dressed her dog a lab coat and asked for donations. Accordingly, they staryed collecting items such as hand lotion, gold bonds, chewing gum, chapstick, and tea. Soon they started receiving incredibly generous donations from people. The majority of them were given to various ho*pitals
Loki can sense when someone needs emotional assistance. She goes comfort them. Loki helped a lot with the nurses due to busy schedule. Loki and Benzel distributed a number of “Heroic Healing Kits” to everyone on the front lines, from guards to nurses and doctors. Additionally, everyone’s travels have been hampered by the health issues the world has been dealing with recently.There, Benzel and Loki used video calls to chat with those confined to their ho*pital rooms. Loki received a lot of love and treats for this heroism. In addition, Loki has even received awards for her work.