Two weeks after testing positive for COVID-19, Hunar Gandhi, who was last seen in Maddam Sir, has tested negative. The actress shared the good news with BT in an exclusive chat. Hunar's husband, actor Mayank Gandhi, is in Delhi currently with his family and will come back to the city after some time given the rising cases in Mumbai.
Hunar, who was quarantined for 14 days, said, “I missed my pet (Shih Tzu) Amigo the most during this time. Mayank and I recently adopted him and he was my constant stress-buster. But Mayank took Amigo with him to meet his family and I was also going to join them, but I got the virus. Amigo is like my baby and he used to sleep below my bed. Every morning, I used to wake up and find him under my bed. We are very attached to him.”
She added, “I am grateful that I didn’t show too many symptoms of the virus and have recovered well with God's blessings. The entire quarantine period was spent watching shows and international cinema. I did not have much energy to talk to friends, but missed having family around. Thankfully, my mother stays in the next building, so she regularly sent me meals. I have also resumed my workout and yoga sessions to boost my fitness levels.”
On the professional front, Hunar is looking forward to doing full-fledged lead roles in TV shows. She said, “I had a small role in Maddam Sir, but before that, I played Rukmini in Paramavatar Krishna. I want to focus on doing roles that will help me grow as an artiste. Last year, I was doing less work because of the pandemic. Currently, television is experimenting with many new subjects and I want to be part of them.”