Watch what happens when this Rottweiler gets a head massage. He loves it and lets out an approving Rottie rumble with a huge smile on his face!
German Rottweiler vs. American Rottweiler: some claim there are variations of Rotties, the German Rottweiler and the American Rottweiler.
German Rotties are said to be shorter, stockier and have a bigger, blockier head, while American Rotties are said to be taller and leggier without as blocky a head.
Others claim a Rottweiler is a Rottweiler and there is no such thing as a German Rottie. Some who have stated this argument have said, "A German Rottweiler is one born in Germany and an American Rottweiler is born in America."
In any case, there are breeders breeding for the German Rottweiler look of larger and blockier, while others are breeding for the American Rottweiler look, less blocky.